♥︎ Goodhealthlove

 ¿Are you aware of the true risk of electromagnetic radiation in your daily life? 

Answer this 20-second questionnaire to learn about the real risk of electromagnetic radiation in your life. Discover how you can protect your health and well-being. 🌟

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Question 1

¿What is your gender?

¡Campo obligatorio!

question 2

¿How often do you use electronic devices like mobile phones, laptops, and tablets? 📱💻


question 3

¿Have you noticed symptoms like headaches, fatigue, or insomnia after using electronic devices? 🤕😴


question 4

¿Do you know the effects of electromagnetic radiation on health? 📡🧠

¡Campo obligatorio!

question 5

¿Did you know that electromagnetic radiation can also affect your pets? 🐾

¡Campo obligatorio!

question 6

¿Did you know that cell phones, tablets, TVs, and other devices can severely affect your brain health (neural health)?

¡Campo obligatorio!

question 7

¿Would you like to receive more information and tips on how to reduce exposure to radiation? 💡📧

¡Campo obligatorio!

✨ Thank you for participating! By completing the survey we have realized that our anti-radiation method can work for you. ✨

Click the button below to learn more.

PLEASE NOTE: If you click away from this page your quiz data will be lost.

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